Gutzon Borglum

Gutzon de la Motha Borglum, 1867 - 1941, was an American sculptor best known for his work on Mount Rushmore. He is also created various other public works of art across the U.S., including Stone Mountain in Georgia, the statue of Union General Philip Sheridan in Washington, D.C., a six ton marble bust of Abraham Lincoln held in the US Capitol as well as a massive bronze WWI memorial in Newark, NJ,

Originally trained as a painter in San Francisco, Borglum was inspired by Rodin while studying and working in Paris in the 1890’s and devoted his life to sculpting . After returning to New York, Borglum produced a tremendous body of work over the next several decades until ultimately becoming involved with what his wife, an Egyptian scholar, called “ the emotional value of volume” and carved colossal artwork in the mountains of Georgia that led to his epic wonder in the Black Hills of South Dakota.


Public Monuments and .Memorials

The fallowing list does not include his paintings or privately owned sculptures.

Washington, D. C.-

Equestrian Statue of Gen. Philip Sheridan, bronze, Sheridan Circle.

William Jennings Bryan, heroic size bronze, near Lincoln Memorial.

Colossal head of Lincoln, Rotunda, Capitol, marble.

Marble group in front of Pan-American Building.

Rahboni, bronze figure, Rock Creek Cemetery.

Alexander Stephens, Vice-President of the Confederacy, marble, Capitol Building.

John C. Greenway, Arizona, bronze, Capitol Building.

Sen. Vance (Zeb. Vance), North Carolina, Capitol Building.

New York City-

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 12 fourteen foot figures of the Apostles; life size figures of Christ, the Virgin

Mary, Saint Joseph, Angel of the Annunciation; many figures of Saints, Church Fathers inside Belmont Chapel.

Metropolitan Museum, Mares of Diomedes; Statuette of John Ruskin.

Hispanic Museum, heroic figure representing Earth.

Monument to Gen. Butterfield, heroic bronze, Claremont Place.

Rice Memorial, marble bust.

Brooklyn, New York-

Henry Ward Beecher Memorial, three figures, heroic size, bronze.

Chicago, Illinois-

Memorial to Gen. Philip Sheridan, heroic bronze equestrian, at head of Sheridan Road.

Memorial to Governor Altgeld, group of three, bronze, Lin­coln Park.

Head of Lincoln in Chicago Historical Museum.

Newark, New Jersey-

Wars of America, large bronze group of 42 figures and horses.

Seated Lincoln, called Children's Lincoln, Lincoln Park in front of Court House.

Memorial to Robert Treat.

Gettysburg, Virginia-

North Carolina's Memorial, heroic size, bronze, five figures.

Charlottesville, Virginia-

McConnell Memorial, heroic size aviator, campus of Uni­versity.

Saranac Lake, New York-

Trudeau Memorial, marble, heroic size.

Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial, bronze plaque.

Raleigh, North Carolina-

Memorial Lo Gov. Aycock, heroic size, Capitol grounds.

Memorial to Wyeth, first soldier killed on southern side in Civil War.

Memorial to Gov. Zeb. Vance.

San Antonio, Texas-

Trail Drivers Memorial, bronze, group of two cowboys on horseback and five steers.

Houston, Texas-

McFarland Memorial Fountain.

Macon, Georgia-

Sidney Lanier, three quarter bronze.

Madison, Wisconsin-

Governor Hoard, memorial group, marble and bronze, heroic size, University grounds.

Huntington, West Virginia-

Collis P. Huntington, heroic size ·bronze statue.

Portland, Oregon-

Harvey Scott Memorial, heroic size bronze figure.

Reno, Nevada-

John Mackay Memorial, heroic bronze, campus, University of Nevada.

Springfield, Illinois-

Colossal head of Lincoln at Lincoln's tomb.

Bridgeport, Connecticut-

Wheeler Memorial Fountain, Fairfield Avenue.

Reredos in St. John's Church, Christ and Angels.

Copenhagen, Denmark-

Three quarter marble bust of King Christian IX, Royal Palace.

Poznan, Poland-

Statue of Woodrow Wilson (destroyed by Nazis).

Paris, France-

Statue of Thomas Paine.

Havana, Cuba-

Colossal heads of William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and Gen. Leonard Wood.